Turquia. As eleições no país de Erdoğan, o líder que está em todo o...

João de Almeida Dias Na Turquia de Erdoğan vive-se um "medo constante" do homem que mudou o país à sua medida à força de prisões arbitrárias e despedimentos em massa. Domingo há eleições — e...

The nameless victims of an insane era

On the one hand, we have the amnesty discussions, and on the other, we have suspicious deaths being reported on television. While discussing who to include in or exclude from the amnesty, a young and...

Does Razak’s future await Erdogan as well?

Not groundless it is to establish parallels between ex. Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak, who lost the election, with the money discovered in his house and trying to flee from the country, and...
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